Monday, June 11, 2012

My Language Challenges – Part 2

So I went down, I tried to be as open as I can, because when you are learning, it helps you a lot. So I have so many memories, and observation. The first one was that although there were lots of students over there, but I was the only foreigner over there. All of the other people where from there,  so it got a little harder. Although people seemed friendly, but it was obvious that I m different, and I am not one of them. So I asked with my perfect Spanish, is this class …? The guy didn’t understand me, but he was patient, and I was persistent,  so after a little talk, I understood that I am in the right spot.
My first class was micro economy, the class began, I did not understand a word he was saying, and I knew that I am the only person with that feeling, but it was ok, I was ready for it, in pressure you learn better. I tried to communicate with some people, not so many people knew English, so I could not use English as much, but since I knew patterns, I tried to pronounce the words that I thought they are common between the two languages, only with Spanish pronunciation, and it was working, so at least I could deliver my message.  
My second class was Spanish, oh my god, I can’t believe it, what a stupid choice, although I did not choose it, when they matricularon or they registered me, they thought it’s a good choice for me. So that was the worst experience, which I can’t stop smiling when I remember it, it was really hard, even the native people had problem, it needed very detailed and deep understanding of Spanish, and it was very analytical. As always I am calm, I don’t understand shit, but I am calm, and relaxed, this is my best feature in my life, you put me in the worst situation with the soonest and worst deadline, you see me playing piano,  going out, drinking and .. , it’s because I believe that being calm and relax is very crucial to success. 
So again that class was over, the other class was philosophy, hahahah, it’s a joke right? To me it was not that bad, at least it was something common, like economy, it was better than Spanish. Again I did not understand anything, the last class was calculus, which again I did not understand a word, but I solved all the problems, I even helped a girl close to me to solve it, and it felt amazing, after being a dummy for a days, feeling intelligent was  amazing. So my first week in my life and in there as a dummy was over …

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